sábado, outubro 27, 2007

Hunter S. Thompson - Medo e Delírio em Las Vegas

Medo e Delírio em Las Vegas, lançado pela Conrad Editora, não deve ter dois meses no mercado. Só soube da existência d'uma versão traduzida três dias atrás quando, sem querer, dei de cara com a capa ao lado e, sem hesitar, a levei pra casa.

"Um jornalista norte-americano e seu advogado “samoano” embarcam num Chevy vermelho conversível, com a missão de cobrir uma corrida de motocicletas em Las Vegas. Para enfrentar essa laboriosa tarefa, enchem o porta-malas do carro alugado com um estoque interminável de drogas e saem dirigindo pelo deserto de Nevada, partindo em alta velocidade de Los Angeles e parando apenas para dar carona a um incauto - que não permanece muito tempo a bordo do veículo.

O jornalista, Raoul Duke, é um dos pseudônimos de Thompson e Medo e Delírio em Las Vegas, uma das mais ambiciosas experiências jornalísticas já realizadas – a principal tentativa de Hunter S. Thompson em validar seu jornalismo gonzo, gênero batizado pelo amigo Bill Cardoso, depois de ler o texto “O Kentucky Derby é Decadente e Depravado” (publicado pela Conrad dentro do livro A Grande Caçada aos Tubarões). Influenciado pela idéia de William Faulkner de que “a melhor ficção é muito mais verdadeira que qualquer tipo de jornalismo”, Thompson produziu um estilo único, aliando reportagem, narração em primeira pessoa, viagens alucinógenas e um bom punhado de ficção.

Medo e Delírio em Las Vegas foi publicado pela primeira vez nas páginas da revista Rolling Stone, numa aposta arriscada do editor Jann Werner, que havia lido as primeiras páginas do caderno onde Hunter S. Thompson havia escrito o esboço do livro enquanto estava ainda em Las Vegas. A Conrad publica no Brasil a edição completa de Medo e Delírio – com as surpreendentes e aterrorizantes ilustrações do artista inglês Ralph Steadman, amigo de longa data e parceiro de aventuras de Thompson.

Adaptado para o cinema por Terry Gilliam (Monty Python, Os Doze Macacos) e estrelado por Johnny Depp (Piratas do Caribe) e Benicio Del Toro (Sin City), Medo e Delírio em Las Vegas é a busca ensandecida pelo verdadeiro Sonho Americano – uma jornada terrível, acompanhada por Rolling Stones, LSD, Jefferson Airplane e a paranóia dos EUA de Richard Nixon, rumo ao coração do deserto, pulsando hipnotizante com o seu néon."

Compre no site da Conrad

Miasma and the Carousel of Headless Horses - Perils (2005)

Miasma and the Carousel of Headless Horses features all 3 current members of Guapo, but for the most part they have a sound and style all of their own. Daniel O'Sullivan, who concentrates on keyboards in Guapo, is lead guitarist, while Orlando Harrison (who plays drums in Alabama 3) occupies the piano stool. They play relatively short pieces where the current incarnation of their sister band favour album long suites, and acoustic instruments are far more prominent. The overall feel of the music is dark with a slightly camp edge - their music would work well as a soundtrack to a 1970s Hammer or Amicus horror film, something along the lines of Dracula AD 1972, Dr Terror's House of Horrors or Psychomania.

The album opens with a suitably sinister piece on the harmonium before the first track to feature the full band kicks in. The Mage is the track which sounds closest to Guapo, with Dave Smith playing a drum part which recalls Black Oni part 2, although the prominence of the guitar and the other instruments establishes that this is a different band. Just how different becomes apparent on Peacock The Heretic, which transports us to a Transylvanian gypsy campfire with dark and strange rites taking place in the flickering shadows. This atmosphere is maintained for the remainder of the album, with Daniel O'Sullivan leading from the front on extremely nimble fingered guitar, Orlando Harrison switching between Dr Phibes organ and gloriously doomy piano flourishes and the pair of them sparking off Sarah Hubrich's fiendish gypsy fiddling. Dave Ledden plays more high end, melodic bass than in Guapo, while Dave Smith's drumming is as crisp and unpredictable as ever. There are moments where you can picture Gomez and Morticia Adams dancing an unspeakably lewd tango, along with moments of genuinely disturbing intensity. This is also a band that knows how to rock, which they do to thunderous effect on Asmodius Arise, and they have a keen sense of dynamics - fast and slow, loud and soft, acoustic and electric; all are contrasted with sometimes dizzying speed, and credit must be given to sound man Jamie Gonzalez Arellano for the clarity of the sound and the near perfect balance of sometimes punishingly heavy electric guitar with acoustic piano and violin.

Perils is a massively assured debut album, which draws on the individual members' diverse musical backgrounds and influences to create a uniquely enjoyable dark ambience. There's something of the atmosphere of Goblin's soundtrack work here, or perhaps Univers Zero taking a slightly less serious approach. Fans of Alamariman Vasarat and Hoyry Kone will also find much to enjoy here, as will anybody with a taste for acid fried 70s folk rock. Highly recommended.
(Chris Gleeson, ProgArchives)

Download: http://lix.in/18f1bd

quinta-feira, outubro 25, 2007

Dead Meadow - Howls From the Hills (2001)

Hailing from the nation's capital and looking rather like the teenage cast from the cult film Rushmore, Dead Meadow garnered many an accolade with its first album's surprisingly accomplished and highly authentic brand of psychedelic rock. The young musicians' subtle yet dazzling technical interplay lies at the core of this formula, where power chords and all other such outbursts are usually hinted at, but rarely fully vented through the soft haze of the group's stoner musings. With its flowing grooves and measured, slow stomp, the band's self-titled debut was a discreetly seductive affair, slowly creeping up on the listener when least expected. Quickly released later the same year, second opus Howls from the Hills reprises this same M.O., with only slightly inferior results. Solid opener "Drifting Down Streams" lazily swims into gear over its eight-minute sprawl and the more concise Zeppelin-inspired "Dusty Nothing" delivers some early fireworks, but occasionally plodding tracks like "Jusiamere Farm" and "The White Worm" come off rather like first album leftovers. It would be easy to peg these underwhelming moments as unfocused, yet "focus" is a tricky word when describing Dead Meadow, since a seemingly casual (or possibly carefully orchestrated) lack thereof is an essential component of the group's unique identity. And, like its predecessor, Howls from the Hills' best trips are saved for last, and include the haunting acoustics of "The One I Don't Know," the epic "One and Old," and the excellent "The Breeze Always Blows." A strong effort all around, Howls from the Hills makes up for its occasional shortcomings with a palpable sense of promise, marking this as a band to watch.
(Ed Rivadavia, AllMusic)

Download: http://lix.in/0f0b74

quarta-feira, outubro 17, 2007

Fim do Hellacopters

"After nearly thirteen years as The Hellacopters we're now sad to tell you that we are breaking up. The reasons behind this very difficult decision are many and too personal to go into here.

Playing in a rock and roll band isn't always a walk in the park, but thanks to all of you who rocked out with us at sweaty clubs, rainy festivals or at home by the stereo throughout the years, it's been a fantastic trip. We'll never forget your support.

We recently finished mixing our seventh and last studio album and it'll be released early next year according to initial plans. We feel like we wanna say one last Goodbye to you and throw in the towel with a bang, so we're aiming to do a farewell tour through Europe and Scandinavia sometime in the spring. So you're not getting rid of us just yet.


The Hellacopters"


domingo, outubro 14, 2007

Year Long Disaster - Self-Titled LP (2007)

Rock ‘n roll, the blues, and heavy metal have meshed well ever since Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath first started jamming back in the late 1960s. But discovering fresh perspectives in this guitar- and testosterone-driven world isn’t always easy. Every once in a while, a band like Year Long Disaster will slip almost unnoticed onto the radar, melding ‘70s sludge, ‘80s thrash, and ‘90s punk into a heavy rock cornucopia, as evident on their self-titled debut album.

The bass is heavy, the drums are pounding, and the singing is ferocious on “Year Long Disaster,” but a glance at the power trio’s lineup reveals why the finished product came out so solid. The band is fronted by Daniel Davies, son of founding The Kinks member Dave Davies; bass player Rich Mullins, who toured with popular hard rock band Karma To Burn; and drummer Brad Hargreaves, who hails from eight-time platinum-selling group Third Eye Blind. No matter that Davies and Mullins met each other on the liquor aisle of a Los Angeles grocery store, or that they spent seven months in rehab and halfway houses for various drug addictions. All that’s just fodder for band bios and “Behind the Music” TV specials.

What matters is the Sabbath-like crunch of “Cold Killer,” the stoner rock shuffle of “Destination,” and the Southern-fueled ZZ Top swagger of “The Fool And You.” And just when you think they can’t slow it down and flesh out a song, Year Long Disaster closes their album with the eight-minute opus “Swan On Black Lake,” which would be worthy of a spot on any Zeppelin album.

It’s clear Year Long Disaster knows how to play distortion-drenched, head-walloping music capable of bursting an eardrum. And in today’s manufactured pop world, gravelly lyrics and blasting guitars are a welcome change from slick production and predictable song structures. Let’s refresh: kick-ass rock ‘n roll, gritty authenticity, and an extensive talent pool. What more does a music fan need to know? (Nick McGregor, Drift Magazine.)

Download: http://lix.in/219b7e

* Link atualizado.

Year Long Disaster - Self-Titled EP (2005)

O Year Long Disaster é uma banda que já nasceu impondo respeito: Daniel Davies, guitarrista e vocalista, é filho de ninguém mais ninguém menos do que Dave Davies, do The Kinks; enquanto o baixista Rich Mullins é ex-membro da lendária banda instrumental Karma To Burn, que acabara em 2001. A forma como os dois se conheceram é, no mínimo, inusitada: em 2003, Daniel saiu para comprar Vodka numa loja qualquer de Hollywwod e encontrou Rich, que na época estava sem onde ter onde morar e sofrendo com o forte vício de drogas. Em pouco tempo de "amizade", os dois passaram a morar juntos, porém não durou muito: o consumo de altas doses de entorpecentes e álcool acabou levando-os a um centro de reabilitação em LA. Após passarem por esse momento, no final de 2004 os dois recrutaram o baterista do Third Eye Blind, Brad Heargraves para enfim formar o power-trio. Com muitas influências clássicas no seu trabalho, a banda mostra a que veio no seu auto-intitulado EP de estréia, que contém 5 faixas e foi lançado em 2005 pela gravadora Ovrcast Collect. E não estranhem se acharem a voz do Daniel Davies parecida com a do Chris Cornell... ao contrário do que alguns possam pensar - que se trata de algum plágio - esse é mais um elemento que fascina ao se ouvir YLD.

Download: http://lix.in/49e6f0

* Em 320kpb/s, aproveitem. Apesar do idiota aqui ter colocado o ano de 2006 no arquivo, o EP foi lançado em 2005 mesmo, mas acho que isso não faz muita diferença, né?

domingo, outubro 07, 2007

Puta que pariu

Passando pelos canais da TV, caí no programa 'Qual é a música?', do Sílvio Santos. E tava o NX Zero lá. Bicho, tem que ser muito filhadaputa pra curtir NX Zero. Vai tomar no cu tranquilo, valeu?

E é só isso.

sábado, outubro 06, 2007

Loop - Heaven's End (1987)

Quando este peculiaríssimo emergiu como um OVNI no seio do rock inglês em meados dos anos 1980, a imprensa dita 'especializada' apressou-se em caracterizá-lo como uma banda 'neopsicodélica'; hoje, com a perspectiva que só a distância dos anos proporciona, é possível constatar como tal classificação estava equivocada: banda indubitavelmente à frente de seu tempo, Loop poderia ser descrito como uma colisão blasfema entre emanações de avant noise psychedelia e peso stoner, atualizando, via Stooges, MC5 e Blue Cheer, a vertente mais alucinógena do krautrock (Guru Guru, Ash Ra Tempel, Silberbart, etc.) para a garotada dos anos 80: guitarras encharcadas de fuzz e wah wah's emanados diretamente dos mais ignotos confins do Cosmo; percussões catatônicas propelindo atmosferas lisérgicas e obsessivas; drones abissais gerando brumas oscilantes de desorientação sônica. Numa palavra: ESSENCIAL!
(Alfredo de Sousa)

Download: http://lix.in/75d702

* Upload por Alfredo

sexta-feira, outubro 05, 2007

Dozer - Live in München (2001)

As tags marcam a data 04 de novembro de 2001, mas eu não faço idéia se ela tá certa. De qualquer forma, peguei o link. Bem, o show conta com dez músicas, todas retiradas dos dois primeiros lançamentos do grupo, In the Tail of a Comet e Madre de Dios. Qualidade muito boa (soundboard), além da chance de ouvir ao vivo essa banda do caralho, já que seria mais fácil o Papa comer piranha por aí do que ver os suecos em terras tupiniquins.

Download: http://lix.in/6bb41b

quinta-feira, outubro 04, 2007

Dozer - Through The Eyes Of Heathens (2005)

Now signed to Small Stone, the biggest fish in the little pond of underground labels that supports this genre, Dozer comes back with Through the Eyes of Heathens to school us all once again. What’s immediately noticeable is that the two years since Call It Conspiracy have toughened the band up. There’s a harder, rougher edge to Through the Eyes of Heathens. While the band is still a master of the fuzz’d out riff and catchy chorus, tracks like “Drawing Dead,” “From Fire Fell,” and “The Roof, the River, the Revolver” leap out at you with pounding rhythms and almost snarling vocals. Even the slower, more melodic “Until Man Exists” ends with a growling outro, courtesy of Troy Sanders of Mastodon. (John Pegoraro, Stonerrock.com)


Download: http://lix.in/ac0668

quarta-feira, outubro 03, 2007

Álbuns Clássicos - Outubro

Vi esse lance em algum blog - talvez n'A Taverna do Barbaro? - e resolvi fazer bom uso daquilo que aprendi indiretamente com o 'ctrl+c / ctrl+v': a arte de não ser criativo.

Como alguns devem saber, o History Channel (eu não sei se passa na sua casa, filho) há um bom tempo está trazendo o programa semanal Álbuns Clássicos, que mostra os bastidores da gravação de, er, álbuns clássicos. Queen, The Who, Pink Floyd e Judas Priest são apenas alguns dos nomes que já apareceram por lá. Vale a pena dar uma olhada.

Sex Pistols: Never Mind the Bollocks
03/10 (23h), 04/10 (03h), 04/10 (15h)

Iron Maiden: The Number of the Beast
10/10 (23h), 11/10 (03h), 11/10 (15h)

Bob Marley & The Wailers: Catch a Fire
13/10 (16h), 14/10 (04h), 14/10 (10h)

The Who: Who's Next
13/10 (17h), 14/10 (05h), 14/10 (11h)

Metallica: Metallica (The Black Album)
13/10 (18h), 14/10 (06h)

U2: The Joshua Tree
13/10 (19h), 14/10 (07h)

Pink Floyd: Dark Side of the Moon
17/10 (23h), 18/10 (03h), 18/10 (15h)

Nirvana: Nevermind
24/10 (23h), 25/10 (03h), 25/10 (15h)

Meat Loaf: Bat Out of Hell
31/10 (23h), 01/11 (03h), 01/11 (15h)

Dozer - Call It Conspiracy (2003)

Here we have 12 cuts of primal heavy rock positively smoking with stoner atitude, but delivered with the gonzoid intense of Motörhead. If you love bands like Nebula, Unida, Kyuss, Monster Magnet, or any other practitioners of drop-forged riffing then you'll find a great friend in Dozer. It's all here from the space-rock drone, to brain-mashing reverb. Ace.
(Essi Berelian, Kerrang!)

Download: http://lix.in/2cefa0